St. Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church
The First Byzantine Catholic Parish Canonically Established on the West Coast of the USA! 2200 Arctic Blvd., Anchorage AK 99503-1909 Ph: 907 277-6731
We celebrate the Divine Liturgy according to our Ruthenian
Traditions of the Byzantine Rite. Faithful to the tradition of using
the vernacular, our Liturgy is celebrated in English, with Old Slavonic,
Greek or Spanish used for some responses or hymns during Lent and
Pascha (Easter). The Liturgy has recognizable parts—Scripture Reading,
the Anaphora (Eucharistic Prayer), and Holy Communion—but the ceremonies
surrounding them are different. Our worship experience is what could
be called a holistic approach in which all the senses are engaged to
encounter joyfully the risen Christ among us in all His glory.
The following comments may be helpful for you to participate in the Liturgy.
The Church:
Entering our church is a mystical experience where you are swept off
your feet so that you know you are in God’s presence. We are called to
put aside all earthy cares so that we may encounter God in all His
The Iconostas:
This is a wall with icons and doors that separates the nave (earth) of
the church from the Holy of Holies (heaven) where the clergy celebrate
the Divine Mysteries. The icons (religious paintings) represent Christ,
the Mother of God and all the saints call us to prayer and reflection so
we can encounter God on earth and have a foretaste of heaven in this
earthly life. During Liturgy the Angelic Doors (center doors) are
opened so that we have a glimpse of the heavenly worship.
Holy Table:
Beyond the iconostas is the Holy Place where God is found presence in
His Word in the ornate Gospel Book resting on the altar and in the Holy
Eucharist in the tabernacle.
According to our ancient traditions, we bow as a sign of reverence to
God. We bow our heads and shoulders and make the sign of the cross upon
entering and leaving the church. We also bow during the Liturgy and
bless ourselves whenever the priest blesses us or the Persons of the
Trinity are mentioned.
We stand in church on Sundays in celebration of the Resurrection and
also on great holydays to acknowledge that Christ has redeemed and saved
us by His Blood. We acknowledge and accept this salvation by standing
as freed men and women in His presence. Hence it is contrary to our
Tradition to kneel on Sundays and from Pascha to Pentecost Sunday
evening. During the consecration and the invocation of the Holy Spirit,
we make a profound bow—a bow at the waist—as a sign of reverence.
The entire Liturgy is chanted as a sign of our joyfulness in God’s presence.
Altar Bread:
Our altar bread is made with yeast and therefore has a thickness to it.
Before Liturgy, the priest cuts a loaf of specially baked altar bread
into cubed particles that will be consecrated and distributed for Holy
Holy Communion:
Only baptized Catholics and Orthodox faithful who are in the state of
grace and in good standing within their respective Churches may partake
of Holy Mysteries. Holy Communion is given in the following manner: the
consecrated particles are placed into the chalice before Communion. The
priest places a small particle on a golden spoon to give you Holy
Communion. If you wish to receive Holy Communion, come forward to the
priest and quietly state your first name if he does not know your name.
Then open your mouth wide, tilt your head back slightly, and keep your
tongue inside your mouth. The priest will bring the spoon to your mouth
and gently place the Eucharist into it. Wait for the priest to move
his hand with the spoon away from your face before you close your mouth
and return to your place. If you do this properly the priest will be
able to give you Holy Communion without touching any part of your mouth
with the spoon. As he gives you Holy Communion the priest will say a
prayer to which you do not answer “amen”!
Holy Anointing:
On certain major holydays, the priest will anoint the congregation with
holy oil as a sign of our joy in celebrating that feast. Unconsecrated
bread is distributed, and an offering for the poor or a special need is
made as a sign of our concern for the needs of all. All are invited for
this anointing.
A Catholic Church Serving the Christian Faithful in the State of Alaska
According to the Traditions of the Byzantine Catholic Church
in Communion with the Bishop of Rome